The Neptune Theatre of Social Integration Workshop, named after the Roman divinity that had dominion over the sea and storms, was created to give voice through the universal language of the theatre to all those who reached the Mediterranean coasts, surpassing the harrowing adventure of a journey that rarely end. The workshop activity has been presented in the SPRAR projects, thanking the collaboration with the PHILOS Multicultural Association (Salento – Italy).
During the meetings, they participate in a series of dynamic games and improvisations based on body movement to improve creativity, confidence, and complicity among all. The poetic use of different objects and mask making enriched the different scenes created for the final demonstrations: little stories that allowed viewers to become aware not only of the drama experienced by the protagonists, but also of their reworking in an ironic key, and of a large number of experiences, culture, colours, images, and languages that they bring with them.
In 2015, during the – Semana de Acción contra el Racismo -, “Per uno sbaglio” was performed with a group of political refugees from different African countries.
Giovanni Pellegrino, cultural operator writes: “Lo spettacolo di ieri sera è stato, oltre che bello, anche molto utile al discorso sul razzismo. Gli attori africani hanno fatto vedere squarci di vita, di lavoro e di gioco, che poi sono i contenuti eterni delle relazioni umane; cose comprensibili, divertenti che tranquillizzano la gente; ma anche interessanti spunti d’arte teatrale modernissima, da far girare… Bravi loro e naturalmente Diana e Pablo a ricucire organicamente il gruppo”.
In the same year, during International Migrant Day, we presented “Vorrei” with political refugees from Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Adriana Pulitì, sociologist, writes: “Cari Diana e Pablo, grazie per quello che con la vostra arte, sensibilità e innegabile dedizione portate in scena (il Vero) offrendo a persone lontane dalla propria terra la “scena” per potersi rappresentare nelle loro potenzialità… vivere da uomini fra gli uomini. Lo spettacolo di ieri sera mi ha commosso.“
For more details of the workshop – click Contacts